Lithuanian energy consumers' claims collection

According to Law on Energy there are three institutions in Lithuania, that have the duty to consider energy consumers claims. It's Article 26, Hearing of Complaints, proclaims (official translation):
1. The National Council for Consumer Protection under the Ministry of Justice shall hold a preliminary extra-judicial hearing of complaints by natural persons concerning application of unfair conditions in the sale or service agreements.
2. The State Energy Inspectorate shall hold a preliminary extra-judicial hearing of complaints concerning malfunctioning of energy facilities and breakdowns of equipment and metering instruments, breaches of the requirements of maintenance, energy quality, accounting of and payment for energy, accidents, interruption, suspension or restriction of energy supply.
3. The Commission (The State, or National Control Commission for Prices and Energy) shall hold a preliminary extra-judicial hearing of complaints concerning acts or omissions of energy enterprises in supply, distribution, transmission, storing of energy, failure to grant them a right to use networks and systems, connection, balancing of energy supply flows, application of prices and tariffs.

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